
Some courses I teach or have taught.

I have taught courses on many subjects, and not only in scientific faculties; in fact, Computer Science is intrinsically multidisciplinary, and hence interacting with students and colleagues from different fields is a valuable and inspiring experience.

I have created several courses, such as Distributed Systems, Network Security, Concurrency theory, Languages and Models for Global Computing.
Currently I am the coordinator of the Cybersecurity track within the Master Degree in Computer Science.

Current courses

For recurring question about these courses, check out the FAQs.
See below for some past courses.

Current PhD students

See below for past PhD students.

Current MSc students

  • Mattia Pizzolitto (AI & Cybersecurity)
  • Elia Cal (AI & Cybersecurity)
  • Filippo Merlo (AI & Cybersecurity)
  • Gianluca Zavan (AI & Cybersecurity)
  • Roberto Van Eeden (AI & Cybersecurity)

See below for some past undergrad students.

Past courses

In BSc courses

  • Reti di Calcolatori e Sicurezza at the “Laurea in Informatica”, Faculty of Sciences (2005/06 - 2009/10)
  • Operating Systems at the “Laurea in Biotecnologie”, Faculty of Sciences (2005/06 - 2009/10)
  • Informatica Documentale at the “Laurea in Conservazione dei Beni Culturali”, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy (2004/05 - 2006/07)
  • Archiviazione dei documenti multimediali at the “Laurea in DAMS”, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy (2004/05 - 2006/07)
  • Sistemi Operativi at the “Laurea in Informatica” (2000/01 - 2003/04)
  • Informatica Generale at the “Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Multimediali”, Faculty of Educational Sciences (2001/02, 2002/03)
  • Sistemi Operativi at the “Diploma Universitario in Informatica”, Faculty of Sciences (1997/98 - 1999/00)
  • Laboratorio di Informatica at the “Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari”, Faculty of Agrarian Sciences (1997/98)

In MSc courses

  • Distributed Systems at the MSc in Artificial Intelligence & Computer Security (Laurea magistrale double degree) at the University of Udine - University of Klagenfurt (2010/11 - 2022/23)
  • Concurrency Theory at the MSc in Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences (2011/12, 2013/14, 2015/16)
  • Compilers (Compilatori) at the MSc in Computer Science (Laurea magistrale in Informatica) at the University of Udine (2009/10, 2010/11)
  • Languages and Models for Global Computing at the MSc in Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences (2004/05 - 2009/10)

In PhD courses and excellence schools

  • Introduction to Distributed Systems at the Scuola Superiore of the University of Udine (2022/23)
  • Category theory at the PhD in Computer Science and the Scuola Superiore of the University of Udine (2012/13, 2017/18, 2020/21)
  • Logical Frameworks at the Scuola Superiore of the University of Udine (2016)
  • Systems Biology at the PhD in Computer Science (2009)

In Master courses

  • Computer security at the second level Master in Medical Informatics (2007/08)

In foreign universities and research institutes

  • Introduction to Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies at the MSc in Finance & Management, Cranfield University, UK (2019 - 2021)
  • Head of the EUTypes Summer School on Types for Programming and Verification (COST action CA15123), Ohrid, Macedonia (2018)
  • Structural Operational Semantics for Probabilistic and Stochastic Processes at the PhD in Computer Science, IT University, Copenhagen (Oct 2012)
  • Functional Programming: foundations and applications at the Birla Science Center, Hyderabad, India (Nov 2000)

In extra-academic courses

  • Responsible and teacher of the ICT cluster of AlForm3, third edition of a regional network of high level training of professional figures for business innovation. Financed by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia (2007/08)
  • Operating Systems for client/server at the IFTS course “Higher technician for software development”, Pordenone (2003)
  • Operating Systems at the IFTS course “Network and information systems technician”, Gorizia (2002)

Past PhD students

  • Davide Castelnovo (PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics, Cycle XXXV, 2019-2023). Thesis title: Fuzzy algebraic theories and 𝓜,𝓝-adhesive categories
  • Marco Peressotti (PhD student, Cycle XXVIII, 2013-2016). Thesis title: Coalgebraic semantics of self-referential behaviours
  • Giorgio Bacci (PhD student, Cycle XXIV 2009-2012). Thesis title: Generalized labelled Markov processes, coalgebraically
  • Davide Grohmann (PhD student, Cycle XXIII, 2007-2009). Thesis title: Multi-graph Structures as Frameworks for Distributed and Concurrent Systems

Past undergraduate students

I have supervised more than 170 BSc and MSc theses; for the complete list use this form, putting “miculan” in the “Nominativo relatore” field.
Past students of mine include: