EU COST CA15123 (04/2016-03/2020)
EUTYPES, The European research network on types for programming and verification, was a COST action aiming to strengthen the research on type theory and its many applications in computer science, by promoting (1) the synergy between theoretical computer scientists, logicians and mathematicians to develop new foundations for type theory, for example as based on the recent development of “homotopy type theory’’, (2) the joint development of type theoretic tools as proof assistants and integrated programming environments, (3) the study of dependent types for programming and its deployment in software development, (4) the study of dependent types for verification and its deployment in software analysis and verification.
This action was the continuation of the decades-long sequence of EU-funded projects “TYPES”, about type theory and proof assistants.
In this project I was representative for Italy on the Management Committee.
More details on the web page of the project.