MIUR COFIN 1999 (11/1999-11/2001)
Project TOSCA was about Teoria della Concorrenza, Linguaggi di Ordine Superiore e Strutture di Tipi (Theory of Concurrency, Higher Order Languages and Types). The goal was to integrate methods and results from concurrency theory, higher order systems and tools, and type theories into a uniform setting.
The Project TOSCA was funded by the Italian Ministery of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and by the Italian Universities of L’Aquila, Bologna, Catania, Firenze, Genova, Insubria, Pisa, Roma, Torino, Udine. The overall project leader was Ugo Montanari (University of Pisa).
The project TOSCA ran from November 1999 to November 2001. Among other duties, I was co-chair of the final workshop (held at the University of Udine, November 19-21, 2001), and co-guest editor of the Proceedings.