Today we held the award ceremony for the local competition of CyberChallenge.IT 2024 at the University of Udine. CyberChallenge.IT is a national training program for young talents between the ages of 16 and 24, aimed at recruiting the next generation of cybersecurity professionals.

👏 Congratulations to the top three winners:

  1. 🥇 Roberto Van Eeden, student at the Master degree program in Artificial Intelligence & Cybersecurity, UniUD+Klagenfurt
  2. 🥈 Marco Ceccon, student at the “G.A. Pujati” high-school in Sacile
  3. 🥉 Alessandro De Biasi, student at the Bachelor degree in Computer Science, UniUD

These students, along with Enrico Santi (student at the Master degree in Computer Science) and Matteo Cancian e Martina Siderini (students at the Bachelor degree in “Internet of Things, Big Data e Machine Learning”), will represent the University of Udine in the national competition, which will take place at the United Nations Training Campus ITC-ILO in Turin, on July 3-6.

Congratulations also to all the 20 Cyberdefenders who participated in the ethical hacking training program at DMIF from March to May 2023. They can now join MadrHacks, the Udine-based team of ethical hackers born out of these competitions, and one of the top 50 teams worldwide.

Special thanks to all the instructors and tutors who guided the students throughout this training journey, as well as our sponsors beanTech, karmasec and Danieli Automation.

More information on Qui.uniud.

Go MadrHacks go! 🐍 Sicut Serpentes!